Monday, December 3, 2012

Pointless Thoughts About Blogs

I was thinking about doing my blog post and I realized I didn’t want to because I would have to get all sad. I started thinking, why did I have to get all sad? Then I realized why. To have a blog that people like and will read you have to make it depressing and sad, and we all want a blog that is liked, so we get sad! I think this is very very stupid. Why can’t I write a happy post and have it be liked? I know somebody did a post on this way back in the year but I don’t remember who it was so sorry, but not sorry because you are right! I don’t want to have to get all sad while I type my post. And that is the extent of my thoughts on this subject. The End.

1 comment:

  1. I agree! I had this thought before I posted. What I came down to was; it's hard to be happy, write happy, and have people want to and/or like to read it. Write happy! I'd love to read it, and take a few notes.
