Sunday, November 18, 2012

How To Love

Tourism 101

10 Quick and Easy Steps To Be A Tourist

1.       Write a post to make your football buddies laugh

2.       Tell more than 2 people which blog is yours

3.       make 3 or more sexual comments is class

4.       make your post a paragraph long

5.       Think that a paragraph is still 3 sentences

6.       Disrespect nelson

7.       Do all of your extra five the night before

8.       Be too cool for school

9.       Don’t read the princess bride

10.   Only ever write one page in your journal, if you do it at all

Monday, November 12, 2012


I was told if I didn’t know what to write about I should pick a post and write about it.  I am choosing Ann Ominous’ black out poetry post.  I have 2 thoughts about this, I wish I could be creative like that, and how does she find the time to do it? I got home from school today at 1:15 and haven’t stopped doing homework yet.  It is currently 5 o clock.   So props to her. Go read her blog, or any of the blogs on the right.  They are all fantastic.

Black Out Poetry

kids have hearts of poets
and romantic times
live in them.
-daily herald

(sorry it is facing the wrong way)
the heart of families
is sacrifice
-daily herald

Sunday, November 4, 2012


I truly have no idea what to write about. I started on like 3 or 4 ideas, got a couple lines in, then either decided that they were crap or ran out of stuff to say.  I am 100% lost right now. So if all of you hundreds of kids that read my blog (funny right?) could comment on ideas for next time, I would love you forever.

Odd stuff from my brain


I remember the 2nd time I learned to ride a bike because the first time it didn’t stick.


I remember living with my grandparents because we didn’t have a house.


I remember going to the red rock brewery with my dad, sitting at the bar, and feeling like a man. drinking my root beer


I remember the spaghetti I got there. It was divine.


I remember the "boys nights" to the jazz games.


I remember being afraid of my older brother.


I remember wish every day that we had a relationship that was real.


I remember the first time I ever held her hand.


I remember the first time I kissed her.


I remember how happy I am whenever I am with her.


I remember how amazing she is.


I remember how she is always there for me.


I remember thinking the raiders won the super bowl in 02.


I remember the day (last week) when I found out they actually lost.


I remember getting told “I’m proud of you” and how happy I was but how much I could show it.


I remember the first funeral I went to and how it was last year.


I remember when I found out he would never be in class again.


I remember how we used to crack jokes sophomore year.


I remember all of the sadness.


I remember how much I hate sadness.


Some things I dont want to remember