Sunday, September 9, 2012

How To Build A Sand Castle

There is basically 2 different types of sand castles you can make, the first is a castle that just looks good, and that all depends on the tools you have, your creative ability, and the sand.  But the kind of castle I am going to talk about making is a wave blocking, Fort Knox level castle. 


Step 1: you have to choose a good spot to build your sand castle; the best is to do it right where the waves are at, but while the tide is going out. Then when it comes back in, your castle is ready to fight!

Step 2: basic wall building.  Your walls need to be thick! They need to be solid, sturdy, tall, and thick.  But never take the sand from right in front of your wall, that makes a moat which will destroy you, but that comes later.

Step 3: this step isn’t really a step. But more of a tip.  Don’t use the super wet sand for your walls.  They will get to heavy and not be able to withstand the waves.

Step 4: DON’T EVER build a moat around your castle.  It will help for one wave, but then the water just sits there eating away at your walls.  This will make your castle fail without a doubt

Step 5 maintenance.  If you want your castle to last you need to keep up on it.  Every time a wave hits it you need to repair it.

Step 6: this is the most important step.  Don’t let little kids by it.  For some reason little kids on the beach love to go kick over, step on, and utterly destroy sand castles. So defend your castle

I promise you if you do all this stuff you will have a Kodak moment worthy sand castle. Just like this one

1 comment:

  1. That must not be a moat around that castle because it's flippin good.
