Sunday, September 30, 2012


We are supposed to write about our thoughts. Well I’m thinking about you like little kids think about candy, like candy thinks about Halloween


I’m thinking about you like pens think about paper.  With paper then can make something amazing, but alone they are nothing.


I’m thinking about you like New York thinks about Broadway, like an actor thinks about Broadway, like a screen play thinks about Broadway.


I’m thinking about you like try hard Indies think about being different, but only in the cool way.


I’m thinking about you like feet think about socks, like socks thing about shoes, and like shoes think about running.


I’m thinking about you like skydivers think about not falling, but flying.  Because when I am with you I know I can fly.


I’m thinking about you like I pray you think about me.

1 comment:

  1. I’m thinking about you like try hard Indies think about being different, but only in the cool way.

    I litterally "LOL'd"
    and I mean that.
